Physical Therapy Department
Our practice Focus is on improving your quality of life by relieving your dizziness and vertigo symptoms, correct any balance problems and return you to functional independence.
Why Choose GGC Physical Therapy
The first and only clinic in Bowling Green that exclusively treats patients suffering from dizziness, vertigo, and balance deficits, no matter what the cause. We get patients back to doing the things they love safely and independently.
Linda Pillow P.T. who has extensive training and over 30 years of experience treating balance and dizziness patients. She also has had dizziness issues of her own that she has treated successfully.
Karyn Herald PT, DPT who has had extensive training and experience as well with treating balance and dizziness patients
Graves Gilbert Clinic Physical Therapy is proud to offer:
- One-on-one working relationship with a Physical Therapist each visit
- A working attitude of respect and T.L.C. with consideration of all your needs
- Excellent service with the most updated equipment including the Alter G Anit-Gravity treadmill and Biodex balance training system
- Highly qualified licensed physical therapists that are all trained in dry needling and other manual techniques
- An evaluation of your rehabilitation needs
- An individualized treatment plan to assist you in reaching your goals
- A specialization in pediatric physical therapy and balance and dizziness problems

Physical Therapy Featured Services
Physical Therapy FAQ
Yes, and insurance does pay for it. All of our physical therapists are trained in dry needling and get excellent results with neck pain, headaches, back pain, shoulder, elbow, foot, and hip pain.
Yes, and some insurances pay for them. We always verify each patient’s insurance benefits and let each patient know prior to being treated.
Yes. We can do gait and running analysis with video monitoring on it. The Alter G treadmill is better than walking in a pool without the bathing suit. Insurance does pay for this.
Yes, for all musculoskeletal problems. All therapists are trained in kinesiotaping.
Yes, Karyn Herald, DPT gets excellent results with soft tissue injuries using this instrument assisted manual technique.
Yes and we get excellent results with decreased pain and increased function.
Yes the Biodex Balance System. All therapists are certified in balance and dizziness.
Yes. We start with specific PT treatment and progress to work conditioning. We keep the patient’s employer and insurance informed on the patient’s progress.
Yes. Susan Pardue, PT is the best pediatric therapist in Bowling Green, KY.
Yes. Linda Pillow, PT is certified in manual lymphatic drainage.